Contents x
- Ordering
- Domestic ordering checklist
- International ordering checklist
- How to order online
- Linking your quotation to a new order
- How to create a DArT account
- How to order small orders from within Australia
- How to create a sample tracking file
- Preparing your samples for an order
- Documentation & permits
- Service Agreements & Standing Orders
- How to track your order status
- How to share data
- How to download data
- How to cancel or edit data shares
- Australian customs plant sample information
- Sample Preparation
- Packaging & shipping
- Plasticware
- Targeted genotyping
- FAQs
- Ordering FAQs
- Technology & Marker FAQs
- Are DArT markers sequenced?
- Can I still access the sequence of the initial (assay based) markers?
- What is the difference between DArTseq products and Targeted Genotyping?
- What kind of markers does DArT offer?
- Can DArT deliver assays derived from other platforms?
- What is the difference between DArTseq and ddRAD technologies?
- Billing FAQs
- General FAQs
- Does DArT offer any bioinformatics support?
- How much DNA do I need to provide?
- Does DArT provide a DNA extraction service?
- What is the required DNA quality for DArTseq/LD/Met/Cap? How about DArTmp or DArTag services?
- How do I check that my DNA is suitable for DArT services?
- How do I check my DNA before shipment?
- Can I add different tissue types in the same 96 well plate for DNA Extraction at DArT? What about adding DNA and tissue in the same plate?
- How do I pack my DNA for shipment?
- Raw Data FAQ
- Terms & Conditions
How do I check that my DNA is suitable for DArT services?
Article summary
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The following method for preparing your DNA will help you to get the best quality data from the samples, in less time and with less wastage.
To control the DNA quality of the samples:
- Incubate 1-2uL of DNA in restriction enzyme buffer at 37°C for 2 hours
- Resolve the DNA on a 0.8% agarose gel in 1x TAE buffer
- Inspect the gel image for your samples.
Good quality DNA gives a high molecular weight band on the gel image. This protocol is a mock digest to detect the presence of buffer-activated (usually Mg dependent) nucleases. No restriction enzyme is used. To make sure the DNA is of sufficient quality for DArT genotyping, you can also send us the image of the DNA quality control you already have, for us to ensure the DNA is of sufficient quality for DArT genotyping.
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