Small order sample preparation
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Small order sample preparation

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Article summary


This article applies to small orders (<10 samples) only for Plant, Animal or Fungi Tissue samples.

How to prepare small order samples

  • Thoroughly and firmly seal all bags (preferably double layer ziplock plastic bags) 
  • Each individual sample to be labelled clearly with a unique sample name AND the Organism of the sample
  • Full contact details to be provided in printed form inside the parcel for the sender of the material, and also for the client to be invoiced (if different) 
  • A list of samples sent to be provided to ensure all samples sent have arrived safely. 
  • A clear statement of the service required, i.e. Comparison to a reference variety of wheat, method testing for new organism 
  • Include your Reference Number provided by the small order webpage 

Small order sample quantity

  • For seeds: approximately 1000 grains per sample 
  • For leaf samples: approximately 3-5 leaves wrapped in a dry paper towel and place  in a ziplock bag
  • Maximum of 10 Samples 

Small order packaging and shipping

  • Package in a rigid box/container with ample packing to allow for rough handling during shipment. 
  • Make sure all our contact details (and yours) are correct

Before you send your samples ensure you print the Order Registration and record your Reference Number. Once you've prepared your samples you ship them to us and notify us.

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