Small order special conditions
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Small order special conditions

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Special conditions for small orders

These conditions apply to Small Orders Shipped Within Australia Only. Due to strict Australian quarantine laws this service is for within Australia only. 

Clear Identification

  • The organism type and sample name must be clearly provided in the parcel for each sample 
  • Your contact and address details must be clearly provided 
  • Should we need to contact you, during business hours (AEST), regarding your shipment please provide a reliable contact telephone number 
  • Order processing will be conducted in accordance to your supply and labelling of samples. 


  • Samples from different organisms must not be mixed (e.g. wheat and barley samples) 
  • Samples must be clear of any insects or contamination 
  • Should packaging be damaged or samples packaged in a way that sample integrity cannot be assured we will not be able to process your order 
  • If wanting to check your sample against a reference, please either check that we have the reference to check against, or provide your own. 

Service Limitation 

  • This service is for shipment of material (seed, plant tissue, animal tissue, fungi) within Australia ONLY 
  • The service is limited to a maximum number of 10 samples.

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