Preparing your samples for an order
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Preparing your samples for an order

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Article summary

Collection, preparation and checking of your samples

Our ability to profile or extract gDNA, and to process your order, relies on the quality of your samples when they arrive at our lab. 

Here are some tips for sample collection and storage, to help you achieve the best results. 

In all cases, please take care when collecting samples to minimise the risk that they are contaminated with pathogenic viruses, bacteria, pests or parasites. Young, healthy tissue is best.

Please also note that: 

  • Plant or animal DNA samples should be resuspended in molecular grade water or EB Buffer (10mM Tris-Cl, pH8.5) at a concentration of 50-100ng/µL and submitted in 20-30µL volume per sample
  • You need to print the service specification for your order and include it with the shipping documentation 
  • You also need to create a Sample Tracking File.

These instructions will guide you through the process and help us to provide you with the highest level of service. If you have any difficulties, please contact us.

Sample specific preparation instructions

Do you need targeted genotyping?
Please read the additional requirements for targeted genotyping orders.

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